OmniMapFree - Design - freq data

Updated: 14 July 2011.

freq data

The freq data file is used to display chromosome regions in different colours. The colour is determined by the value of the last field and a colour look-up list in the first #-line.

This is part of the data file for snps_density.freq:

#clBeige	18	clYellow	38	clOrange	69	clRed
#chrom	start	end	SNPs

1	1	50000	1
1	50001	100000	0
1	100001	150000	11
1	150001	200000	41
1	200001	250000	31
1	250001	300000	36
1	300001	350000	50
1	350001	400000	50

The first #-line contains a tab-delimited list of colour and cutoff values. Up to 20 different colours can be used so users can create colour gradients to represent gene density, %GC, recombination frequency, etc.

In this case any last field value less than 18 is clBeige, from 18 to less than 38 is clYellow, from 38 to less than 69 is clOrange, and anything 69 or greater is clRed.

The second #-line is not essential but is used to describe the different columns/fields.

The third line is blank and is not essential but separates the #-line from the data lines.

The following lines contain the data for each feature displayed. The first three data fields: chromosome id (chrom), start position (start) and end position (end) are used by OmniMapFree to draw the feature.

The last data field contains the value used to determine the colour from the look-up list in the first #-line.

This freq data file draws a similar genome map to the one from the expr data file - but in a different way.

In this case the features are 50,000 nt regions of the chromosome, the fourth and last field shows the number of SNPs in this particular region, and is used to look up the colour. The advantage of the freq data file over the expr data file is that the colours are specified on one line - the first #-line so are more easily changed.

Here is the map drawn by the snps_density.freq data file: