OmniMapFree - downloads - FgraMap

Updated: 01 August 2011.

Fgra3Map Download (newer version)

The genome map for Fusarium graminearum based on the sequence, FG3 gene call and annotation from Broad. This version uses gene ids with a format of FGSG_12345.

Zip file (12,458,587 bytes)

FgraMap Downloads (older version)

The genome map for Fusarium graminearum based on the sequence, FG1 gene call and annotation from Broad and MIPS. This version uses gene ids with a format of fg12345.

NB The following downloads are large because they contain the genome sequence of Fusarium graminearum based on the MIPS file "/" (10.01.2006). The genes were located on the chromosomes by BLAT of the MIPS ORF sequences in "Fgraminearum_valid_orf_nuc_241105" against the chromosome sequences.

Zip file (13,165,046 bytes)

Self-extracting exe file

SE_FgraMap.exe (13,193,728 bytes)